African Cove Rug

from $350.00

The all new African Cove Rug offers a sustainable, multicoloured, foldable indoor rug with a worn-out vintage look.

Made from 60% PET bottles (recycled cotton and polyester production waste) making them super sustainable!

Durable, high-quality, stain resistant and with non-shedding polypropylene yarn, ensuring easy maintenance and long lasting enjoyment. And thanks to the innovative low pile weave construction, they are light weight and foldable, making them the perfect rugs!

Suitable for in or outdoor use - completely weatherproof, UV stabilised, SO EASY TO CLEAN!

Colours available:
Black and Tan

Sizes available:
160 x 230cm - $350
200 x 290cm - $550

· Made from flat-weave, tough and durable synthetic fibers while remaining soft underfoot

· Stain resistant, mould and mildew resistant making them ideal for high traffic areas

· 100% waterproof making them pet and child friendly!

· UV fade resistant designed to withstand the harsh Australian sun

· Non-shed and non-toxic

· A great alternative to sisal rugs which require regular maintenance and can degrade with time

Care and maintenance:

No chemicals, no scrubbing, and no elbow grease required. Give your rug a quick vacuum regularly and clean up any spills with only water and blotting (do not rub). And when it’s time for a spring clean… simply take your rug outside, hose it off and leave it out to dry. Good as new!

View this rug and the entire range at:
Shop 15, Empire Revival (formally The Paddington Antique Centre)
167 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington QLD

Shipping and interstate enquiries:
Rugs can be transported within Australia. Please enquire with your delivery address including postcode, and the rug name, colour and size required, to receive a quote. Otherwise, please contact Jo on 0411 475 349 or email

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